Against Torah Conciousness
When we lose touch of the peshat reading we can easily whip up remez and drash interpretations to draw anything "out of the text" and that's my conclusion of your material, in my opinion you've completely lost the peshat. In one sense I was thinking I could support your thesis on a sod level, I was reflecting on the possibilities of a more sophisticated heavenly model being reflected with much more simplicity on earth... but the more I studied the more I could not accept that to be the case. Your round model of the mishkan violates far too many principles of Hebrew and Torah consciousness to be plausible on any level and I think the risk-reward benefits just aren't there for any serious Bible student to take your thesis seriously... you will also bring confusion and disharmony into the Body of Mashiyach... sure you'll find some support out there for your round thesis, there are a plethora of Hebrew Roots conspiracy theorists who feed on this kind of stuff... but I don't see how this will be pleasing to YHWH and His Mashiyach... to me it is akin to things like Lunar Sabbath and British Israel Ephraimitism which is simply more Christian religious fiction with a replacement theology twist that takes the focus off the Kingdom of Heaven and puts it on religious identity and theology. -Baruch B.
My exegesis is entirely rooted in the literal Hebrew Pashat. If your opinion is that I've lost the Peshat, you are entitled to it, but without listing specifics, I am obviously left wondering what specific objections that you actually have and likewise unconvinced of any credential or subject matter expertise that you are implicitly claiming. To be frank, suggesting that my model "violates far too many principles of Hebrew and Torah consciousness" sounds a little "new agey" or maybe Gnostic to me (I don't recall Moses speaking in terms of "Torah consciousness"). As for "risk-reward benefits" of students, I again find myself at a loss. First, I never met anyone who has likened studying to a "risk", and I fail to see the material as a threat or something introducing confusion. Finally, to brand this research as only ideal for "conspiracy theorists" (or other religious factions/subjects being completely immaterial to my research that you have some apparent disdain for) is likewise suspect. The volume of my research is technical and Hebrew in nature--not fixated on conspiracy but flagging errors or misconceptions as appropriate. I am personally indifferent to the source of the errors in the traditions, however popular they may be--but I am concerned about the truth being made known about the dwelling place of El Shaddai. It will be pleasing to the Almighty because it's true...Andrew Hoy